Top 1 on “Electronic Pop Rock” Playlist

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Why Promosound is The Number One Option

After you've placed your order, the promotion process kicks in, and your account begins to receive considerable engagements. Over the next hours and days, you'll observe an increase in your follower count until we've exhausted the promotion budget

Start promoting wisely, and forget about the stupid, fake, obscure descriptions of those who have no idea what real promotion on streaming services is. Get TOP 1 on increasing 5k followers curated Spotify Playlist. All genres are allowed. Playlist name/link "Electronic Pop Rock" Fruits of promotion: ᐅ 8-16k Royalty Streams ᐅ 3-6k Premium Streams ᐅ 20-40k Virus Coverage Followers Engagement For maximum promotion effect, we reserve the right to add your song to additional playlists. You will receive a guaranteed number of plays in the sum from all our playlists and sources. Delivery time: Placement proof link: 2 Days. Streams delivery: up to 20 days.
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